30 July 2013

Moose in Bangkok

Moose has not travelled for a long time. Although living in Singapore is kind of like always being an adventure - Moose is after all, a handsome Finnish Moose and not some ugly Singaporean monitor lizard. Still, although the country of the Merlion (that according to some Miss Singapore candidate was an animal species that became extinct in the 1930s) is a comfortable and fun place to be in, sometimes Moose needs a Real Adventure. What better place for an adventure than Thailand.

Unfortunately to Moose he needs to drag that stressed out T woman around with him, and this time T was - although after a lot of coin tossing (indecisive procrastinating hopeless woman, Moose says) of the opinion that this time it's time for a nice, relaxing holiday. Not one of those where you wake up in a backpacker in bangkok and wonder where your Finnish friend has disappeared, naked, without money, phone or passport. T claims she does not need another holiday like that. Moose has never gone missing, but Moose still kind of understands. Ok, ok, we'll stay wherever T wants to.

On a (way too) early Saturday morning Moose found himself at Changi airport sipping a Moose sized cup of coffee. Moose can drink coffee like a Finnish secondary school teacher.

Moose and appropriately sized coffee at 5.30am.
Eventually Moose got to Bangkok and after T had almost accidentally obtained a Rabbit Card from the Skytrain station Moose boarded a train towards the hotel. Slightly reluctantly though, because Moose could not really understand what Taitti needs a Rabbit for when Taitti already has a Moose. Rabbits are puny little animals, besides they are not very intelligent, either. Moose is more handsome - and not at all jealous.

"Puny Rabbit. Hmpfh."

"OK, maybe I will not complain about not staying in the backpacker place." Moose thinks.
"Moose could get used to this luxury travel. Fund out they have a spa and in-room massage.
Moose can't decide which Moose wants." 

At the Madison restaurant Moose used his charmer skills and got lots of compliments from the female waiting staff. "Oooohhh, so cute!" Moose is smiling. Moose does not mind being called cute, as long as the girls like him. Waitress also thought Moose is a lucky Moose because Moose get to travel the world yet she has never been outside Thailand. Moose is feeling lucky. In particular Moose understands how lucky he is to stay in Four Seasons hotel for free of charge (free because T is picking up the bill, hahaha).

Moose and fancy-named seafood soup.

T ordered chocolate moose for dessert!
Moose was horrified, they dip my brothers and sisters in chocolate and eat them. Stop!
But then Moose realised he may have misunderstood.
"THAT kind of chocolate mousse. (Excuse my French, it's obviously really bad.)
Mmm... I'm changing my mind, I'll have some of that!"
In the afternoon Moose decided to go sightseeing. A train ride to a random station, a long walk and some temples sounds like a perfect plan. Moose was not born yet when T was last time visiting the famous sights of Bangkok so T decided to show Moose around. Moose likes that.

Moose also found some friends from the forest! Bambi, Snowhite and the little birds seemed to have gone for a bus ride in Bangkok. A little far from home, but why not, even Snowhite needs an adventure now and then. Surely getting away from that evil stepmother and that perhaps-ah-so-handsome-but-ooh-so-boring-prince is a welcome change. Besides, Moose is better company than any prince.

Moose finally found it's way to Wat Arun (after Taitti had taken the longest possible route through some boring side streets and undersides of the bridges of Bangkok.

Because of Taitti's slow pace, Moose only reached Wat Arun around 3.45 - and the temple closes around 4pm. On top of that, it started pouring with rain as soon as Moose arrived. Moose was still rather entertained, because T had of course not dressed up appropriately for a temple visit (hello who wears the tiniest little board shorts to a temple - the fact that Moose himself wears no pants whatsoever is irrelevant here. Moose is a Man and Moose is always decent.) T therefore got approached by a young Bangladeshi monk, who asked first for money and then for T's email and  "Skypie ID". Can't believe T gets targeted even at temples. Hopeless case. In any case Moose wanted  picture of T's "new friend" as evidence for the Moose blog.

On the way across the Chao Phraya river to Wat Pho (a ferry that cost 3baht for Taitti and Moose had a free ride), Moose had an excellent seat. Moose refused to go any closer to the side of the boat - it was raining and moose don't like rain.

T did much better at Wat Pho. They do also provide clothes for ignorant tourists like T who have no clue of an appropriate dress code. T also got herself a guided tour - according to T that was a good idea since last time she was here (over 10 years ago) she had no guide and missed out half of the temple grounds. This time our friendly guide helped Moose take several pictures with the statue of the reclining buddha and even told T that she has to look well after  Moose because he might otherwise be left behind and never be found again. Moose agrees - and although Moose liked the temple grounds, Moose is no monk!

Wat Pho and Moose Pose!

Hmmm. Moose thinks these pictures of massage points posted all over the temple grounds look kind of like the before and after photos that T's trainer posted on FB of himself. Well, the difference is that T's trainer might be slightly more handsome - but just about equally naked.

Because it just continued raining, T and Moose eventually gave up on sightseeing and retreated to the hotel. The next day Moose just followed T around for some shopping - and almost got himself in trouble.

"Woops! I think I may have ended up in bad company.
Happens so easily here in Bangkok."

"I wonder which one of these thrones would be the most appropriate for my royal status as Moose the Monarch?
I quite like the golden seat - although NOTHING can beat a throne made of ice cream. That's it! I'm buying this one. Shipping to Singapore, please. Oh, and send the bill to Taitti."

After a visit to the spa it was time to check out the night market. Honestly, a rather boring place. Moose and Taitti agreed on this one. Chatuchak might be hot - but it's got some charm to it. It's all part of the experiene. This one? It was kind of like Chatuchak meets Resorts World on Sentosa. Nah. Not for Moose.

"Who in their right mind would ride a ferry wheel where half of the lights don't even light up?" Moose asks.
"Someone who doe snot much value their life? Or someone who wants an unexpected adventure?"
Besides, it's raining, so I'll just hide in Taitti's bag and wait for the ride home.

More posh adventures for the Moose on Monday at the Mandarin Oriental thai buffet.
Moose even found some Moose sized soup bowls - although T used them for vinegar and chili sauce, stupid woman.
The dessert mountain still made up for the disappointment with the incorrect use of the soup bowls. But next time, T, you better ask them to serve me my own tom yam from one of those tailor made soup bowls.

All fun comes to an end and eventually Moose found himself in a taxi on the way to airport. It was fun travelling again, and Moose will visit Bangkok again.Even if he has to put up with the company of the Puny Rabbit. It was worth it.

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