23 July 2013

Moose Goes to Work and (almost) Becomes a Banker

What has Moose been up to? Taitti has started working so Baby Moose has been left all alone. Moose is not happy - although Taitti is quite irritating and annoying so actually maybe it's better this way.

Anyway, Moose has decided to start a career in banking. Taitti works in some funny bank, so surely if they hired her Moose can also get a job in a bank? It can't be very difficult if even Taitti can do it. Taitti is not very smart though, she works in HR, and Moose knows that if you want to make money and be a Banker you should not work in HR. Moose is going to be a trader.

Moose commutes to work early in the morning. Not exactly the limo ride appropriate to Moose's new status as a high flying superbanker but at least they had a seat reserved just for Moose. Moose feels quite privileged - although they'e posted pictures of some big bellied people above the seat, no idea why.
After a ridiculously long train ride Moose arrives at Marina Bay Financial Centre. Perfect, the place to be for Moose-almost-the-world's-most-famous-trader.
Moose gets himself a visitor pass from the friendly man at the reception. Better check this place out first before signing up for longer term. Friendly man did not even ask Moose for an ID in exchange for the card - seemed to think Taitti's presence was proof enough. They trust all kinds of people these days, seriously, like Taitti was any trustworthy at all, hello?
They didn't let Moose in on the trading floor! What a career setback on Day 1. Well, Moose can use this phone and make  some client calls in the meantime until they get his access sorted. Moose know some quite important people very good clients for this Bank. Moose still thinks he would be just in his own element on the trading floor. Moose knows it - Moose could for example buy the traders some coffee and lunch. 
Before doing any more work Moose needs a cup of coffee - and this pot filled with tea will just not do.
Ahhh, finally some proper coffee and they grind it from real coffee beans too. Moose is going to send a thank you card to the good folks in real estate services who have installed these nice coffee machines in the pantry.
Over his lunch break Moose admires the world's best office view.  Ok, the big building over there is kinda ugly and blocks the view but other than that it's quite nice to look at.
Before doing any more work after lunch Moose needs more coffee. Bankers  drink a lot of coffee, Moose knows these things. Let's see if Lisa and the guys at Spinelli are brewing up anything interesting today. Yummy coffee treats for Moose and some cake, too
After lunch Moose is busy checking emails, connecting with important people - and even getting some work done.
Moose attends an Important Meeting - but where is everyone else? Probably saw Taitti and got scared, she is quite scary. Again getting in Moose's way as always. Someone should just sack her.
"Ok, a few more important phone calls. Tomorrow they do need to give me a better fitting headset if they want me to stay, though."
"I'm getting outta here" says Moose and decides to quite for the day. Don't even have Moose sized headsets here, hmpfh! Besides, surely that was enough work for one day, or even a week, for a genius superstar banker. Moose doe snot need to work as hard as others, Moose is so much smarter.
Moose is contemplating on taking a taxi home. Moose made a lot of money today so Moose can afford a taxi ride. (Unfortunately Taitti again disagrees... Says something about Moose not having made any money at all, liar)
No reserved seats for Moose on the way home. "Yes, should not have listened to Taitti, should just have taken the taxi. On the other hand, this career in banking is way too stressful, think I might quit." 

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