18 September 2010

Baby Moose is almost a cowboy now

On his way back from South American jungles, ruins and beaches, being such a brave soul who boldly ventures to unexplored terrains (Well, almost! But don't expect too much yet, Baby Moose is still a baby!), Baby Moose felt he needs some additional adventures and decided to try cowboy lifestyle in Texas. Eager to meet the famous longhorn cows, wear cowboy boots and perhaps even ride a real horse, Baby Moose landed at Houston airport.

Baby Moose was a little disappointed to find out that T's plan was somewhat different and that she was going to drag Baby Moose to visit some people called Antia&Carlos. Oh well, Taitti claims they are very nice people so Baby Moose was not too upset about the cowboy adventure changing into chit-chat and meeting the two puppies Deco and Laksa.

Baby Moose arrived on a Big Bus from Houston airport to Houston City and started making its way to the Greyhound station for the bus to Austin. It was quite happy it was getting a free ride on Taitti's small backpack while Taitti was carrying both the big and the small backpack.
BM: "Faster, Taitti, faster, I'm used to flying."
T: "Shut up, Baby Moose, we've got more than 3 hours before the bus leaves."
BM: "Ok, I understand. Faster, Taitti, faster. You're slower than a snail."

After buying tickets and having a chicken burger breakfast at the cafe, Baby Moose headed for the gate. At the security check Baby Moose tried to wave at the friendly security guard from his pocket where he was hiding but the security guard did not notice him at all. Oh well. Sometimes being small is not an advantage.

Immediately after arriving at Antia's & Carlos's house Baby Moose got introduced to the longhorn. Perfect, this is a good start to a trip to Texas. First longhorn friend already!

In the evening Baby Moose went to a TexMex restaurant. Good thing Baby Moose was not carrying any unlicensed weapons because otherwise they may not have let him in at this TexMex place. Not that baby Moose carries any licensed weapons either but if he had had one, he could have brought it with him. Just in case he would need a gun while eating his taco.

Instead of unlicensed or licensed weapons Baby Moose decided to focus on today's speacials, margarita's and half price fajitas.
BM: "What drink do you think Taitti will order me?"

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BM: "Oh, that bitch did not order me any drinks this time so I had to steal  some of Antia's fajitas...

The next day Baby Moose went on town and found this really lovely old style candy store. They had wonderful truffles, the biggest selection of jellybeans ever, really cute scorpions packed in jelly (well, just tiny little ones), the biggest jelly rats and jelly snakes Baby Moose has ever seen (the snakes were about one meter long) - and they had bacon chocolate. Although Baby Moose is mostly vegetarian he was very impressed by the bacon chocolate. He also bought some presents for his friends at Living Seas.

The next day it was cake time! Baby Moose had a difficult time choosing from all the pretty little cupcakes and almond florentines. In the end he decided just to eat some salad instead of pretty little cupcake since he could not decide which one he wants.

When Baby Moose got back home he got to play with Deco...

...and baby Laksa. Laksa also was kind and friendly, licked Baby Moose a little bit.

In the evening Baby Moose went out and met the egg at van at the Local Yolk. But since Baby Moose was in a mood for a real meal he could not stay and headed for the Showroom instead. They played some funky jazz at showroom that night.

Baby Moose was thinking about ordering some Cheap Ass Beer...

... but then Antia ordered him  a pisco sour, which made Baby Moose feel very nostalgic since he had only just come back from Peru. Hooray for Antia! It was Baby Moose's last night in Austin and the next day he had to get up early to pack his bag, go to Greyhound station in Austin and make his way to the airport in Houston.

Baby Moose on the Metro bus on his way from Houston centre to Houston IAH airport.

Baby Moose was pleased with the fact that Singapore airlines open their check-in counters so early in Houston so he did not need to spend too much time at the boring airport where the only coffee shop in terminal D was not even open.

At Ruby's diner Baby Moose had a granola yogurt while Taitti was having a chicken burger, and he also got a picture together with his favourite waitress, Courtney.

After the meal Baby Moose had to rush to the Continental President lounge since he had some important phone calls to make. Or at least Baby Moose liked to pretend that he did while Taitti was reading her emails.
On the flight back Baby Moose slept in the carry on luggage compartment for most of the flight. It was nice&quiet in there and the cabin lights did not disturb his sleep at all.

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