24 October 2010

Baby Moose’s field trip to San Francisco village

Baby Moose arrived at Coral Cay base with Taitti on the 6th of October. Moose did not like the long drive down from Tacloban but was rather entertained by the driver who was singing along to the 80s music he was playing for the duration of the journey.

Upon arrival to camp Baby Moose was little disappointed he was not assigned his own bed and room but was put in the same room with Taitti. Luckily there was also one more person in the room so Baby Moose did not need to put up with Taitti alone. After a while Baby Moose did think though that perhaps just Taitti would have been better than this new roommate who seemed to think she knows everything about corals and Coral Cay because she had been on the Coral Cay Fiji expedition for half a year 9 years a go …. She also seemed to find lots of faults in how all things at the base were organised.

Baby Moose chilling out on the porch
Baby Moose enjoying an early morning by the sea

The first morning Baby Moose enjoyed breakfast with Neasa. Baby Moose likes Neasa. Besides, Neasa is a nurse so maybe Moose could also teach her some moose medicine over the four weeks that Neasa and her husband Mike will be here in Napantao base.

Baby Moose did not need to miss the Man in Black either. Mr Gareth from Wales (who has got a very big mouth and talks almost as much crap as our youngest, Danish expedition member Jakob) very quickly proved to Baby Moose that he is about as capable as moose abuse as the Man in Black.

Moose getting abused by Gareth the Groping Grouper
 Baby Moose has attended classes on corals, fish and invertebrates and even learned about some silly algaes but he has not done any dives yet.  Baby Moose has no dive equipment and is very disappointed that Taitti did not buy him any before coming to Philippines because Coral cay does not stock dive gear for smaller size individuals. Perhaps Baby Moose can convince Taitti to make him his own set of dive gear so he can go diving too. To be honest, Baby Moose is not too keen on this diving stuff anyway because in Baby Moose’s opinion CCC have lots of silly rules. Baby Moose has no intention of pulling around an awkward SMB throughout a dive. “Losers”, says baby moose, “Get entangled and I shall laugh.” Baby Moose can however accommodate to the mask&snorkel wearing rule because Baby Moose thinks it would just be so much fun to have a mask&snorkel in his size that he can wear them even when he sleep if he gets them. Now, how does one make a moose sized mask&snorkel? If anyone knows, please tell Taitti so she can make Baby Moose a dive gear kit.

Eventually after all this time sitting at the spider infested base Baby Moose needed to get out and decide to go for a field trip to San Francisco village nearby. Having gotten permission from the Coral Cay prison camp chief guard Joe to leave the premises under the surveillance of one of the junior prison guards Tracey, Baby Moose got all ready for a little walk to the local village to buy some supplies and plan for the Great Escape.

Baby Moose ready for the prison escape
On the way Baby Moose bravely crossed a river, had a nice little rest on a tree trunk (mind you, it was a really warm day and Baby Moose got exhausted) made some friends with the locals doing their Sunday laundry in the river and also met with the mighty buffalos. Mighty buffalos were perhaps a little bigger than Baby Moose but Baby Moose still quite liked their company. Friendly buffalos invited baby Moose to join them for a nice, cooling afternoon dip in the river but Baby Moose was a little tight on time to get to the village and check out the local vibes so he told the buffalos he will come back the week after for another bath.

Water, buffalos and locals on the way to San Fran village

Eventually Baby Moose got in the village but having seen the number of kids in the streets he decided to hide in Taitti’s backpack and not come out. One of those little monsters (whom Taitti dared to call cute) might even like Baby Moose and take him home. Baby Moose has no plans of getting stuckin this little village for a longer time. Although the prison camp in Napantao is rather basic, at least there will be the blue cheese that Lea bought from Cebu waiting for Baby Moose.  San Fran only had yucky cheese whizz and a boring little internet café. Sigh. Back to the prison camp then, and to being abused by Gareth.

All those kids
Baby Moose decided to write his blog to feel a little better about being in the prison. Internet connection in the Copral Cay prison is rather limited but Baby Moose doe snot need a USB wireless connection because Baby Moose has got his magic horns that can communicate even with outer space. It's like a satelite connection but just better.

Baby Moose blogging with his magic horns internet connection

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