24 October 2010

Baby Moose goes on a jolly dive and gets kidnapped.

Is Abu Saayaf responsible again for another kidnapping in Southeastern Philippines?

Baby Moose woke up to a lovely sunny Saturday morning and was all excited about the trip to Padre Burgos Marine Protected Area (MPA).  Baby Moose was again going to dive in his submersible, hooray! Baby Moose had a nice little breakfast and tried not to pay attention to anything that Joe said during breakfast since Joe mostly only talks utter crap. Best to ignore him entirely.

Then Baby Moose hurried Taitti to get kitted up and get her lazy bum on the boat since Baby Moose wanted to go diving already. Baby Moose checked Taitti’s kit and was all ready for the dive. Just need to hop in my submersible, thinks baby Moose. 

Buddy check ok!
Just give me my submersible - I'm all ready to dive!
But then Baby Moose was told that the journey to Padre Burgos will take about 45 minutes and that it’s mandatory to wear a life vest on the  boat. Another one of the strange rules of the Coral Cay prison camp. Wouldn’t it be terrible if one of the prisoners drowned and died? Then there wouldn’t be anything left to do for the chief prison officer Joe and all of his prison guards. Although they could just drink Tanduay rum all day. Anyway, Baby Moose thinks that CCC  prison camp should have a life vest for his size if he is required to wear one.

"These life vests ought to be a little smaller" says Baby Moose

Baby Moose just chillaxed with the boys on the boat – including Danish baby Jakob whom Taitti says has got the exact same facial expressions as her two brothers.  These guys are never up to any good – that’s why Baby Moose rather enjoyed their company.

Don't they just look exactly like Moose abusers?
 There were also some nice people on the boat, such as Tracey, mike and Neasa. Tracey even shared her diet coke with Baby Moose at the dive resort the group stopped by for lunch and chilling out. (Note that diet Coke is a luxury item in Napantao area and it cannot be found in any of the local shops. You have to go to a bigger town to find diet coke – or a dive resort).

Tracey, Mike, Neasa and the other nice people on boat. (Note prime suspects for kidnapping on left).
Tracey sharing her diet coke with Baby Moose
 Baby Moose enjoyed the views of the sea and hung out on the porch (again with the guys who are never up to any good) while waiting for his food.

Enjoying the sea view
Baby Moose lounging
Eventually Baby Moose was just so hungry it sat down on the table and decided to keep an eye on the condiments bottles – in case food does not arrive Baby Moose could have a bottle of chilli sauce or ketchup instead. One bottle of tomato ketchup would definitely be nutritious enough for a little Moose.

Baby Moose ready to eat. Two of the suspects for kidnapping Baby Moose in the background. Prime suspect is not in the photo.

The Mimic Filipino got his food before baby Moose and being very hungry Baby moose just had to go over and take a closer look at his plate of bangers and mash. Baby Moose was thinking whether he could sample some of the food but decided he maybe should not as Mimic Filipino looked very hungry and might get upset if Moose ate his food. Or even worse, if he was hungry enough maybe his eyesight would get blurred and he might think Baby Moose is another sausage on his plate and eat him. Baby moose decided not to risk being gobbled up for Mimic Filipino’s lunch. No thanks, don’t want to die today.

Baby Mooser sniffing Mimic Filipino's bangers and mash. Could sniffing someone's sausage be enough of a motive for a kidnapping?

Even the prime suspect (Mimic Filipiino) was caught on film at the crime scene. BM has passed out after sausage sniffing
 Luckily the food arrived quickly and Baby Moose could enjoy his chilli fish. After his meal he decided to have a nap on his banana leaf. His rest was however somewhat disturbed by the fact that Taitti announced that Baby Moose needs a bath tonight. No way, I’m not going to bathe.

After that Baby Moose disappeared. It was not seen after Taitti went to get her first dessert (first out of 3), the marshmallow&chocolate ice cream. Prime suspects - seen nearby crime scene are Sweetlips the Scuba Instructor (sometimes also known as Jake), Mimic Filipino (his CCC friends do call him also Lance), Randy Bumgardener (who tries to hide his true identity by introducing himself as Jon) and also Gareth the Groping Grouper (aka Crazy Welshman). It is somewhat unclear which one of them may have kidnapped Baby Moose. Mimic Filipino, Randy Bumgardener and Gareth the Groping Grouper all have got a well-known track record of previous moose abuse and hence remain high on the list of suspects. Sweetlips was merely seen in the area and therefore is less likely to be the main culprit although he most certainly withholds some important information regarding Baby Moose’s whereabouts. Prime suspect currently is Mimic Filipino. The police and crime scene investigators are trying to establish whether sniffing someone’s sausages could enough of a murder motive or would it rather provoke an unkind act of kidnapping against a ransom. We have however not ruled out the option of involvement of organised criminal groups, such as Abu Saayaf who have previously invaded dive resorts and held foreigners as hostages against a ransom payment. Baby Moose being a highly visible and wealthy looking individual may well have been targeted by a similar group.

We shall keep you posted on Baby Moose’s kidnapping and the next steps. We would also like to assure you that the authorities are doing everything in their capacity to ensure that Baby Moose will be found and returned back to CC  prison camp safe and sound so he can serve the rest of his 10-week sentence.

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